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Can I convert PowerPoint to flipping book?


We always talk about how to convert PDF to flash digital book with page flipping effects and how to use the PDF to flash software efficiently. However, not all the people have PDF documents. If their files are a PowerPoint one, does he need to convert PowerPoint to PDF first then flash flipping book? Absolutely there is no need to be so confused. PageFlip PPT to Flash will help you to turn PowerPoint to flash eBook directly and improve your working time.


Step1: Download PageFlip PPT to Flash and install the software.
Step2: Run the flipbook software and Click “Import PowerPoint” to select your PPT original file.
Step3: Design the flash flip book through design setting panel.
Step4: Click “Convert to Flipping Book” to own your PPT flash flipping book after finishing designing.


Can I convert PowerPoint to flipping book



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